The hidden costs of banking and the hidden benefits of banking elsewhere
The hidden costs of banking and the hidden benefits of banking elsewhere Snickers and Twix, two of the best-selling candy bars in the world, have been around since the 1920's. These brands are so popular, they are even featured in movies, TV shows, and commercials. For example, a Snickers ad during the Super Bowl in 2015 was viewed by over 120 million people. Snickers is one of the biggest brands in the world, but has been struggling recently. In the last three years, the brand posted a decrease in sales of more than 8%. The company is looking for innovative ways to increase sales and brand awareness for their popular candy bars. 1. Introduce a new flavor. 2. Change the shape. 3. Change the size. 4. Introduce a healthier option. 5. Change the packaging. 6. Change the name. 7. Change the colors. 8. Change the logo. 9. Change the ad campaign. 10. Change the advertising. There are many innovations that can change the Snickers and Twix brand. The following are just some of the innova...